Student Life

Spiritual Life of the Students

One of the most important aspects of life for an SVS student is his personal relationship with the Triune God. The environment at Satya Vachan Church and SVS is intended to foster spiritual growth that is commensurate with intellectual growth and pastoral skills. Because of the biblical requirements for the role of pastor (1 Tim. 3 and Tit. 1) and in view of the character qualities which all maturing believers pursue (Gal. 5:22-23), every administrator, faculty member, and student must regularly and zealously seek the Lord both individually and corporately.

SVS classes are designed to foster personal spiritual development in students and a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. Courses, however, are not a replacement for regular meditative worship in God’s Word, prayer, and other spiritual exercises and disciplines.

It is well documented that most failures in pastoral ministry are not due to a lack of knowledge or ability but to a lack of integrity. Many are the ways that pride manifests itself in pastoral leadership: the desire for accolades and esteem from others, an unwillingness to listen to those who are not in leadership (“lay” leaders), an unwillingness to submit to others in love, the hope of foreign funding, etc. These kinds of sinful attitudes are spiritual idols of the heart that rarely manifest in open conversation. God desires those who lead the church to be the first, the examples, in humble obedience and loving relationships.

Code of Conduct

In view of the high calling of the ministry, it is expected that students maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and biblical conviction. SVS expects students to be filled with the Spirit, evidencing the fruit of the Spirit (Eph. 5:18, with Gal. 5:22f) and maturing in personal holiness, humility, and love. Accordingly, SVS requires all students to submit willingly to the following Code of Conduct:

  • Each student is expected to be a faithful member of Satya Vachan Church.
  • Each student must attend class in decent clothes. In other activities at Satya Vachan Church or Centre, there may be freedom to wear more casual clothes. If asked to change for any reason, no discussion shall be permitted.
  • Each student shall have cleaning responsibilities that include (but are not limited to) toilets and floors. No exemption or exception.
  • Personal discipline in the use or consumption of media (e.g., mobile, radio, TV, printed page, internet, etc.) is expected. This includes total avoidance of pornographic images, movies, and literature in any form.
  • Students are required to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, including regular bathing, cleaning of clothes, use of deodorant or body spray, and proper disposal of trash. There is no spitting permitted anywhere at SVS.
  • Students are required to abstain from such practices as gambling, the misuse of prescription drugs, the use of all illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes or paan/supari.
  • Students must avoid all forms of dishonesty and deception, including lying, plagiarism, cheating on exams or assignments, and in the communication of personal/family needs and difficulties, etc.
  • Students are expected to attend all SVS activities on time as specified, including class, informational meetings, church events, and Sunday services.
  • Students are required to relate to maintaining a biblical pattern in family relationships and abstain from all sexual activity outside of the biblical pattern of godly marriage.

In case of any personal offense, students shall look to and apply the principles stated in Matt 18:15-17, Gal 6:1-2, and Eph 4:32.

Students must abide by the Code of Conduct, the Prospectus, and/or any directive given by the leadership of SVS or Satya Vachan Church. If a student is not certain concerning the nature or extent of any such directive, a student may inquire more fully after submitting to leadership and complying.

Relationship to Satya Vachan Church

An essential part of SVS training is the student’s active involvement in Satya Vachan Church. All students become members of Satya Vachan Church for the duration of their studies and joyfully engage in the variety of Satya Vachan Church ministries with other disciples of Jesus Christ.

While it is rare, students coming from local churches may occasionally remain in their local church by obtaining prior permission via written application.

Disciplinary Action

SVS reserves the right to apply disciplinary action to students for infractions or noncompliance. For example, failure to attend meetings on-time, submit assignments on-time or participate in cleaning responsibilities will be immediately resolved as inappropriate.

Class Format

The academic year for SVS follows the month-long modular format. The academic year runs from July to June, with a summer break in June and a winter break in December. Each month (e.g., July) is a contained month-long individual course. Conversely, Biblical Languages (Greek and Hebrew) and English enhancement courses are taught in the first year. Biblical language classes meet Monday to Friday and require daily studies to achieve competency.

Morning Devotions

Morning devotions happen almost daily at SVS and are an important aspect of seminary life and modelling. Different church leaders, guest speakers as well as students will lead the cohort in worshipping the Lord through the Word and prayer. Students are required to attend all morning devotions.

Practical Ministry Training

Ministry happens. It is more than the Sunday morning service (though it is not less). Every day and every week, God creates situations through which He refines His people and brings glory to Christ Jesus, and He often does this in the local context of church. Encouraging one another toward deeper devotion to God and greater love for others is done in relationship and community, and seminary students will be immersed in this community.

In Practical Ministry Training all students are required to be a part of the hands-on ministry of the local church. When invited, students must attend the Sunday Service Review, Service Planning Meeting, Sermon Outline Meeting, Elders’ Meetings and join church elders on visitations. Students must give reflection papers that describe and evaluate their ministry experiences at the end of each week. Such reflection papers are graded.


Students will reside either on-campus or off-campus in local apartments. Furniture and/or furnishings provided by the seminary remain the property of the seminary. Student housing is expected to remain sufficiently clean and presentable to host guests at any time (i.e, floors, kitchen, and toilet must be regularly cleaned).

Student Study Room

Rooms are available for quiet study, research, and writing. Campus rooms and courtyards are available for social interaction, discussion, and recreation. Students also have access to the SVS library, as well as the eating space and a kitchen.


The SVS library contains a growing variety of theological books accrued over many years or donated by a variety of sources. Books are added constantly, and the library is growing to reflect the increasing need for biblical and theological education in India.

Since the library contains a number of books, different theological perspectives are represented. Students should be aware that part of theological education is gaining the ability to hold fast to essential doctrines, peacefully disagree on non-essentials, and manifest grace to others in all things. It is necessary for our students to “examine the Scriptures carefully every day” (Acts 17:11) for their advancement in discernment.

Computer Room

Computer rooms are available for the students to type their papers and do online research & study for their course. They are expected to use these computers for study and church work. They are not allowed to use these computers for entertainment and recreation.

Summer Break and Winter Break

SVS provides breaks for Summer (June) and Winter (December). It is expected that students who have returned to their home/church will return to SVS before the assigned date.