Academic Policies

Grading Scale and System

All academic work is graded according to the scale set forth. The student is encouraged to follow the instructions of the SVS administrators, residential tutor, and professors in order to submit the best work possible for the course.

SVS ScaleDescription (Meaning)Grade
90-100%With DistinctionA+
80-89%1st Division A
70-79%2nd DivisionB
60-69%3rd Division  (Conditional Passing)C
Academic Standing

Every student’s academic standing is reviewed on a regular basis. Each SVS student is categorized into one of the following classifications of academic standing.

Good Standing:

Students in 1st or 2nd Division are considered in good standing.

Academic Warning:

Students in the 3rd Division are placed on academic warning and may be restricted in the amount of ministry and/or extra-curricular activity they can participate in for the following two month-long courses. They must achieve 1st or 2nd Division for two consecutive courses to be returned to good academic standing.

Academic Probation

Students who, for any reason, fall below 3rd Division are placed on academic probation. They are restricted in their coursework and required to meet weekly with the residential tutor or academic advisor. They must achieve 3rd Division or higher in the next two courses and will remain under supervision for the following two courses.

Academic Suspension

Failure to progress from academic probation to academic warning (within two courses) results in academic suspension. Such students must retake all courses (for which the student received probationary marks) during the winter and summer breaks, including reading and assignments. Failure to achieve 3rd Division for these courses or to satisfy the course requirements may result in the student’s dismissal from SVS.

Rights of Enrollment

SVS retains the rights of enrollment for all students.

Academic Advisor

An Academic Advisor will be available to counsel the student in their educational pursuits. Currently, this role is being filled by our Dean of Students. If a student does not maintain the desired percentage, they will be put on academic probation and will meet with the Dean of Students to determine the continuation of the student’s studies. SVS recognizes that there exist events in each person’s life that often necessitate altering educational plans. We will work in every way possible to enable the student to continue their studies if it is determined that this is the best course for them.

Part-Time and Auditing Courses

SVS does not currently permit part-time students. Individuals may audit a course by obtaining prior permission via written application. Such auditors must attend the entire seminar.


All students attend courses in cohorts and, barring academic probation, will be automatically registered for the next session.

Absences During Modular Courses

Students must regularly attend class. Any student who misses more than one (1) day of class instruction during modular teaching will forfeit credit for that class and receive a failing score until and unless they make up the time via recorded class. Due to the unique modular format of SVS, in-class instruction is critical to the development and maturity of the student.

Students must regularly attend Biblical Language classes (e.g., Greek 1). Any student who misses more than 20% of any individual course will forfeit credit for that class and receive a failing score. Students must manage their time and attendance carefully.

Absences and Coursework

A student who experiences health problems or personal emergencies that inhibit their ability to study or complete their studies should contact the Dean of Students as soon as possible to determine the best way to move forward. Any student who misses an entire seminar will be put on immediate Academic Probation and required to meet with the Dean of Students to create a plan to fulfill academic requirements. It is expected that students will plan family requirements (weddings, festivals, ministry, family obligations) in a manner that does not conflict with the academic schedule.

Withdrawal from School

A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from SVS during any term or session is required to complete the withdrawal process that includes:

  • Submit a “Request for Withdrawal” form to Administration
  • Clear one’s academic record of any/all responsibilities, coursework, reading, response papers, etc.
  • Satisfy any other responsibilities within the seminary community
Academic Character and Dishonesty

SVS is concerned about the spiritual maturity and spiritual development of each student. SVS seeks to establish an environment conducive to robust study and Christian development. A student’s continuing enrollment may be subject to formal review at any time.

A formal review may be called if any behavior arises that is inconsistent with the stated principles and beliefs of SVS. These may include but are not limited to:

  • Plagiarism
  • Cheating in school work or on examinations
  • Deception
  • Sexual immorality
  • Active proselytism and propagation of theological views that are inconsistent with those of SVS
  • The inability to live in harmony with members of the SVS community or the persistent inconvenience of others within the community;
  • Evidence that the characteristics represented upon admission (before or at the time of admission) are lacking in the student’s life at SVS;

At the time a review is requested, the student will be notified of the request and will be asked to provide a response in writing. This response will be included in the review process. Following the review, the Admissions Committee and Dean will make a decision regarding continued admission. This decision will be communicated to the student in writing, which can be appealed by the student. Any appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Students or President of the School. SVS retains the full right to expel any student regardless of appeal or perceived process of appeal.

Student Grievance

Should the student have a complaint, they should seek out the counsel of the appropriate authority within SVS. When appropriate, the student is welcome to invite their pastor or church leadership to accompany them in any meeting.