Modules Offered


BLG101 – Greek – Basic

This introductory course is designed to introduce students to the Greek language of the New Testament era. Students will become familiar with the Greek alphabet, basic vocabulary, and several forms of nouns and verbs.

BLG202 – Greek – Intermediate

In this course, students continue to grasp important grammatical concepts of Koine Greek. They learn participles and syntax and increase the number of words that they have learned. Students will be introduced to Textual Criticism and will be equipped to do word studies in the original language. 

BLG302 – Greek – Advanced

In this course, students grow in familiarity with biblical Greek. They will be able to translate passages into their own language and grow in their ability to use the Greek New Testament in their sermon preparation.

BLH101 – Hebrew – Basic

This introductory course is designed to introduce students to the Hebrew language. Students will become familiar with the Hebrew alphabet, basic vocabulary, and several forms of nouns and verbs.

BLH202 – Hebrew – Intermediate

In this course, students continue to grasp important grammatical concepts of Hebrew. They learn participles and syntax and increase the number of words that they have learned. Students will be introduced to Textual Criticism and will be equipped to do word studies in the original language. 

BLH303 – Hebrew – Advanced

In this course, students grow in familiarity with biblical Hebrew. They will be able to translate passages into their own language and grow in their ability to use the Hebrew Old Testament in their sermon preparation.


GS101 – English Enhancement

It covers English grammar, comprehension, and spoken English so that students who are weak in English are able to communicate in English and benefit from English resources.

GS102 – Hindi Grammar

A refresher course for students to ensure their Hindi grammar is strong enough for them to understand and communicate in grammatically correct Hindi.

GS103 – Basic Computer Skills

A short course to help students type in Hindi and English and use basic software like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 


RM101 – Introduction to Research Methodology

This course teaches students how to write clearly, think critically, and organize their thoughts using prescribed format and citation conventions. This is an important course that prepares students for the papers and assignments they will be writing during the course of their studies.


TH101 – Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology studies and applies biblical truth to particular contexts in order to clearly understand and articulate doctrines to aid the growth of God’s people. The topics covered in this first course on Systematic Theology are Prolegomena, Bibliology (the doctrine of Scripture), and Theology Proper.

TH102 – Systematic Theology II

This course continues the study of Systematic Theology by focusing on Anthropology (the doctrine of man), Angelology (the doctrine of angels and demons), and Soteriology, which covers the doctrines of election and grace, Christ the Mediator, the doctrines of the atonement, calling, regeneration, conversion, justification, adoption, baptism of the Spirit, sanctification, perseverance, glorification, and union with Christ.

TH103 – Systematic Theology III

This course continues the study of Systematic Theology by focusing on Ecclesiology and Eschatology. Ecclesiology includes the biblical teaching on the church’s definition, marks, ordinances, ministry, government, and offices. Eschatology covers topics like individual eschatology, the intermediate state, the millennium, final judgment, and heaven and hell.

TH204 – The Triune God

This course constitutes an introduction to the discipline of Trinitarian theology in an evangelical and global context. It examines how the Trinitarian God is known and the centrality of the doctrine to a proper understanding of Christian doctrine and practice. Given the history of trinitarian errors and heresies, this is an area of theology that is foundational for biblical Christianity.

TH205 – Biblical Theology

This course helps students to understand how to interpret passages in the Bible in their canonical context. Doctrines, themes, events, and institutions are traced through the Bible to highlight how they move forward in progressive revelation. This helps students interpret Scripture in the light of previous revelation and to recognize themes that the biblical authors build on.

TH206 – Apologetics and Heresies

An introduction to the concept of worldview focusing on the history and varieties of the Christian defense of the faith. Students will learn about different approaches used to defend the Christian faith throughout the history of the Church and gain practice in humbly engaging different worldviews. Students will directly engage people who possess different worldviews and develop appropriate and biblical skills and responses.


CH101 – Church History I

During this class, we will examine the events of Church History during the time preceding and leading up to the Protestant Reformation. Students will briefly look at how church teaching was developed and the events that led to these formulations. In these various situations of the past, students will determine the applicability to today’s church in India as well as the impact this has on our personal lives.

CH102 – Church History II

This course covers the people, events, practices, and theologies in Christian history from 1500 to the present.  The class will specifically focus on major conversations that dominate the time period: the nature of sin and salvation, worship, gospel in a global context, authority, and the relationship between churches and state.


BS101 – Hermeneutics

This course provides the framework, tools, and basic skills necessary for biblical interpretation. Attention will be given to various genres in both the Old and New Testaments as they relate to the nature, methods, and issues of biblical interpretation.

BSOT101 – OT Survey I

The course will consist of an overview of the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings). In the process, students will also learn how to read and teach the Old Testament as Christians.

BSOT102 – OT Survey II

An introduction to the message and background of the Writings and the Latter Prophets, including an examination of hermeneutical and theological issues. Books covered under “Writings”: Psalm, Proverbs, Job (Poetry); Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther (Festival Scrolls); Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah and 1 & 2 Chronicles (the History). Books covered under “Latter Prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel (the Major) and the 12 Minor Prophets. The student will also learn how to see the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament Scripture.

BSNT101 – NT Survey I

An introduction to the message and background of the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, with a special view to the person and work of Jesus Christ in the unfolding of God’s purpose in creation and redemption, as well as a continuation of this message from the Old Testament.

BSNT102 – NT Survey II

An introduction to the message and background of the Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and Revelation, with a special interest given to how each book relates to the gospel. This course forms a helpful foundation for future exegesis courses from this part of the New Testament.

BSOT203 – OT Exegesis I (Isaiah) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Isaiah. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Isaiah and other similar books of the Old Testament. Special attention is given to the development of major theological themes and how the book of Isaiah relates to Christ. This course seeks to aid students in discerning practical applications for the life of the believer and to lead students in growing a deeper relationship with God.

BSOT204 – OT Exegesis II (Genesis) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Genesis. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Genesis and other similar books of the Old Testament. Special attention will be given to the development of major theological themes, how these themes develop through the Old and New Testaments, and how they culminate in the person and work of Christ. This course seeks to aid students in discerning practical applications for the life of the believer and to lead students in growing a deeper relationship with God.

BSOT205 – OT Exegesis III (Psalms) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Psalms. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Psalms and other similar books of the Old Testament.

BSOT306 – OT Exegesis IV (Exodus) – Hebrew

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Exodus. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Exodus and other similar books of the Old Testament.

BSOT307 – OT Exegesis V (Ruth) – Hebrew

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Ruth using the Hebrew text. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Exodus and other similar books of the Old Testament.

BSOT308 – OT Exegesis VI (Jonah)– Hebrew

 Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Jonah using the Hebrew text. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Exodus and other similar books of the Old Testament.

BSNT201 – NT Exegesis I (Matthew) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Gospel of Matthew. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Matthew and other Gospels. Special attention is given to the development of major theological themes and how Matthew uses the Old Testament. This course seeks to aid students in discerning practical applications for the life of the believer and to lead students in growing a deeper relationship with God.

BSNT202 – NT Exegesis II (Galatians) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Epistle to the Galatians. Careful examination of the text will enable students to faithfully teach and preach from Galatians. Special attention is given to the development of major theological themes based on the exegetical method. This course seeks to aid students in discerning practical applications for the life of the believer and to lead students in growing a deeper relationship with God.

BSNT203 – NT Exegesis III (Hebrews) – English

Using the study tools available, this course is an exegetical study of the Book of Hebrews. Special attention is given to the development of major theological themes and arguments found in the book, as well as the author’s use of the Old Testament. This should produce understanding as well as application of these themes in the life of the believer and the church in order to promote the right worship of God.

BSNT304 – NT Exegesis IV (Romans) – Greek

This course is designed to provide an exegetical analysis of a book in the New Testament. The course focuses on the development of major theological themes and arguments found in the book, along with their practical application in the life of a believer. It aims to enhance student’s proficiency in using the Greek New Testament by providing training in exegesis, translation, parsing, and grammatical analysis.

BSNT305 – NT Exegesis V (Ephesians) – Greek

This course is an exegetical study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  Special attention will be given to the structure and flow of thought of the letter’s contents, as well as to the contemporary application of its teachings.

BSNT306 – NT Exegesis VI (The Pastoral Epistles) – Greek

An exegesis of the Greek text of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus, with particular attention to vocabulary, style, and implications for contemporary ecclesiology.

BSNT307 – NT Use of OT

This course is an introduction to the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament, focusing on the interpretation and the intertextuality of the two testaments. Students will also seek to understand how the authors of the New Testament used Old Testament texts to advance their theological purposes.

Note: Exegesis modules are subject to change and may cover other biblical books.


PM101 – Introduction to Expository Preaching

This course introduces the students to a philosophy and method of preaching called “expository preaching.” It is designed for students who have completed a course in hermeneutics, which has exposed them to the historical-cultural, grammatical, and contextual methods of interpretation. The course will explore the nature, necessity, process, and practice of expository preaching. It will enable students to move from text to talk, from exegesis to exposition, from an exegetical study of a passage to developing and writing an expositional sermon.  It provides instructions and guidelines on how to prepare an expository sermon manuscript.

PM202 – Introduction to Biblical Counselling

This course is a basic introduction to pastoral/biblical counselling. The student will learn how the Bible frames or defines counselling as well as how to use Scripture to form the foundation and substance for counselling people (Christian or not) in their life issues. This course will have special attention on counselling practicum using multiple case studies and examples so students can understand the process of change in pastoral counselling and develop counselling skills.

PM303 – Servant Leadership & Pastoral Ministry

A pastoral ministry course called Servant Leadership & Pastoral Ministry has been developed to assist men in growing toward becoming spiritual leaders in the church. A wide range of topics about the principles and practices of pastoral ministry will be covered throughout the course. During this period of application-based training, future leaders will discover what it takes to be a spiritual leader in God’s church.


RS001 – Introduction to Hinduism

This course will introduce students to the basic beliefs and practices of Hinduism. The course aims to help students understand and appreciate the Hindu worldview.

 RS002 – Introduction to Islam

This course will survey the basic beliefs, practices, and history of Islam. The course aims to help students understand and appreciate the Islamic worldview.